Someone to Trust and Her Forbidden Amish Love by Patricia Davids

Someone to Trust and Her Forbidden Amish Love by Patricia Davids

Author:Patricia Davids
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Harlequin
Published: 2021-09-22T20:15:23+00:00

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She wasn’t going to acknowledge him. Dropping his gaze, Gabe watched the man entwine his work-roughened fingers with his wife’s. Gabe returned his attention to Hannah, longing to do the same. Her slender hands were tangled in the dog’s black fur. Just like years ago, she’d withdrawn.

But this time, unlike years ago, he wasn’t going to let her avoid him and disappear.

The married couple held a brief, private discussion, while Gabe ran an assessing eye over his temporary patient. He didn’t ask when the baby was due. Amish women weren’t fixated on their due dates like Englisch women were, figuring babies would arrive when they were ready. After checking with Gabe that it was all right to move her, Malachi Schrock gathered his auburn-haired wife protectively under his arm and they exited the shop. Their voices trailed behind them as he shouldered the door open to let in a stream of cold air along with a few whirling snowflakes. The wood-and-glass door shut with a rattle. When the accompanying clatter of the bell faded away, the remaining four in the shop glanced at each other in the silence.

Correction, Hannah glanced at Gabe before her gaze skittered away again. She immediately straightened and busied herself, picking up the fallen bolts of fabric. The Border collie at her side evaluated Gabe through intelligent brown eyes before trotting to a dog bed tucked along the wall. He watched her rest her muzzle on her white legs as she continued to study him.

Well, at least he had the attention of one of them. You’re here now, Bartel. Begin as you mean to go on. This time, he wasn’t going to let Hannah avoid him. Picking up a bolt of dark blue material, he handed it to her. Eyes he knew were almost a matching shade remained carefully averted as Hannah hesitated before accepting the fabric. Gabe picked up another bolt, this time shifting it in his hands to ensure his fingers touched Hannah’s when she tentatively reached for it. Flinching at the contact, she darted a look at him as the heavy bolt sagged between them. Gabe met Hannah’s wary look with a bland smile. You’re not going to ignore me. She must’ve gotten the hint, as she hefted the fabric onto the shelf, turning her back to him as she did so.

The gray-haired shop owner had stepped behind a wide counter and picked up the orange-handled scissors lying on dark green material spread out upon it. “Well, that was exciting. I thought we might have to pull down the baby quilts and put them to use. I hope Ruth is all right. Rachel, was there anything else you needed?”

Gabe didn’t recognize the young woman who’d entered with Ruth’s husband. She looked younger than Hannah, so she might not have been in her rumspringa at the same time as the slender woman whose blue eyes continued to avoid his as she smoothed out the bolts, which were now lining the shelf again.

He’d recognized Ruth, though.


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